Parties can often find themselves in need of modifications to a final order to accommodate a particular family circumstance as time goes on. Court orders involving conservatorship, possession and access, and child support are rendered on the facts that existed at the time the order was decreed by the court.

Upon a court finding that material and substantial change has occurred since that time, the order can be modified based on the best interest of the child. There could be many reasons why a party would want to request a modification, such as:

  • Change in the employment status of one of the parties
  • One party wants to relocate outside of the geographical area determined by the final order
  • Change in circumstances that necessitates revisiting the amount of child support paid or visitation schedule
  • Remarriage of one party
  • Modifications can be negotiated and resolved without court intervention. However, our Family Law attorneys understand that going to court may be the only option. Our many years of advocacy and earned expertise in realizing the right result in contested modification claims is often the essential component in getting our client what he/she needs.

Enforcement action may be necessary when a party fails to comply with the terms of a court order. The final or temporary order that was signed by the judge is a legally enforceable court order, and the parties to the lawsuit are bound by its terms. A court retains the jurisdiction to enforce the property division and spousal maintenance and child-related issues of conservatorship, child support, and possession and access. The party who violates the court order can be held in contempt of court and subjected to potential consequences, including payment of attorneys’ fees and other fines and penalties, confinement, and modification of the final terms, including custody.

Our Family Law team knows all too well about the serious nature of the potential consequences involved in an enforcement action. We can advise you in enforcing an order or defending against an enforcement. Whether you are seeking to enforce a court order or are accused of a violation, we will mount a hardline legal strategy that safeguards your rights and positions you favorably on attack or defense.

Contact us today to make an appointment for an initial consultation.